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Stay warm. eat more woodfire pizza.

Winter is coming, and so is the excuse to eat more pizza! As these chilly temperatures continue to drop, our bodies need something to keep warm. Why not a love filled slice of Woody’s pizza?

Less hours of sunshine, colder weather, more layers and more time spent indoors all have a significant effect on when, how much, and what we want to eat. To top it all off, we have so many food-centered holidays around this time of year that eating is always on our minds.

Yes, being healthy is always key, but mental health and happiness are also just as important! We’re speaking for ourselves, but we’re sure many people will agree with us… Pizza is good for the soul!

We’re all cold, less active, the air is dry, and we’re suffering from winter blues… the best way to turn winter from dry and cold to warm and refreshing is to treat yourself to a slice of fresh pizza!

So, stop into Woody’s this winter and warm up with your favourite comfort foods!